Senior Crime Prevention Seminar Coming to Juniper Village, Says Diamond
LEBANON – A Senior Crime Prevention Seminar will be hosted by Rep. Russ Diamond (R-Lebanon) on Wednesday, Sept. 20, beginning at noon at Juniper Village,
1125 Birch Road in Lebanon.
“Sadly, there are a number of forms of fraud that are being perpetrated on our seniors and this program will provide information to help avoid these pitfalls,” said Diamond. “It’s a shame that there are people who prey on seniors, but this program points out ways in which they can avoid financial exploitation, telemarketing scams and others to aid in protecting their assets.”
Jerry Mitchell from the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General will be conducting this seminar.
A light lunch will be served at noon, followed by the program at 12:30 p.m.
This is a free event. To reserve a seat, call Christine Heibel at Juniper Village at (717) 272-8782.
Representative Russ Diamond
102nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Raymond Smith
717.705.1834 /