Feb. 22, 2017

Seats Still Available for Concealed Carry and Gun Safety Seminar!


We have some seats available for my next Concealed Carry and Gun Safety Seminar coming up on Saturday, Feb. 25, from 9-11 a.m. and is free of charge. The event will be held at the Mt. Zion Fire Company, 1520 Mt. Zion Road in Lebanon.

Joining me for this event will be attorney Joshua Prince, who will discuss Pennsylvania’s concealed carry laws, and Lebanon County Sherriff Bruce Klingler, who will talk about how to safely interact with law enforcement officers when you are carrying a firearm.

Please call my district office to save a seat at (717) 277-2101, or you can RSVP via email at Jweister@pahousegop.com.

I look forward to seeing you!
