Diamond Introduces Amendment to Keep Focus on Voting Reform
October 23, 2019
HARRISBURG – Rep. Russ Diamond (R-Lebanon) released the following statement today announcing his intent to introduce an amendment to a voting reform bill that would strip it of language regarding access to campaign expense records.
“While the election modernization bill as amended by the House State Government Committee yesterday was negotiated and agreed-to by the governor, the House and Senate, I am putting forward an amendment to remove the change to how people can access campaign expense records.
“The election modernization bill is and should remain about how people vote and bringing Pennsylvania voting into the 21st century. Public access to campaign expenses is important and the issue should be brought out in a separate bill focused on campaigns and transparency, not how citizens vote.
“The media headlines regarding oversight by the Department of State are somewhat misleading. The language of the bill is aimed at reducing bureaucracy and providing immediate and direct recourse for citizens who run into roadblocks while demanding campaign finance transparency. However, the bottom line is that this issue deserves a fully transparent and public discussion of its own.
“I will continue to follow this issue closely and keep Pennsylvanians aware of any progression as I believe we should never forget who put us in office and why.”
Representative Russ Diamond
102nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Alison Haas
RepDiamond.com / Facebook.com/RepDiamond
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