Diamond Appointed by Speaker to Election Law Advisory Board
July 8, 2020
HARRISBURG - Rep. Russ Diamond (R-Lebanon) has been appointed by House Speaker Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) to serve as one of 23 members on the Election Law Advisory Board within the Join State Government Commission. The board was established as a component of Act 12 of 2020, which modernized the Commonwealth’s electoral system.
“The Commonwealth’s electoral system needs to be monitored to ensure the integrity of our elections,” said Diamond. “I have been actively working on this issue, and focusing on the accuracy of our voter rolls through my efforts in the House State Government Committee. I am honored and grateful to have been selected by the Speaker of the House to serve on the board and look forward to serving Pennsylvanians in this capacity. I will continue to be a voice that fights to make every vote count.”
The board is charged with the following duties:
• Study the election code to identify statutory language that can be repealed, modified or updated.
• Collaborate with agencies and political subdivisions to study election-related issues.
• Study new election technology.
• Evaluate the electoral process and identify best practices to ensure voting integrity and efficiency.
• Publish an annual report with the findings on the PA Department of State’s website.
• Members of the board will include legislative appointees, one member of each congressional district, an advocate for individuals with disabilities, an advocate for voter’s rights, and a county election official.
The first major reforms made to the state’s voting processes since the 1930s came about with Act 77 of 2019. The legislation passed unanimously in the House and was supported by Diamond in the State Government Committee.
“The right to vote is one of the most sacred rights held by citizens of the United States and a cornerstone of our constitutional republic,” said Diamond. “In fact, it has been one of the most important pillars of our society in terms of what separates us from the more tyrannical, anti-democratic nations of the world for centuries. We have a duty to preserve this right and do everything in our power to make sure every citizens’ vote is counted.”
Representative Russ Diamond
102nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Alison Haas, 717.772.9843
RepDiamond.com / Facebook.com/RepDiamond
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