Nov. 10, 2020

HARRISBURG - State Rep. Russ Diamond (R-Lebanon) joined a group of Pennsylvania lawmakers today in calling for investigatory hearings and a legislative-led audit of the 2020 General Election, and demanding that election results not be certified until a comprehensive audit is completed. The members of the General Assembly delivered the following statement:

“A number of very troubling issues have come to our collective attention in the aftermath of last Tuesday’s General Election. As a result, we have grave concerns regarding the future of our Commonwealth. Our offices have been overwhelmed with calls, emails, and other messages from constituents who are confused and outraged by the circumstances surrounding this election.

“We believe this moment is pivotal and important enough that the General Assembly needs to take extraordinary measures to answer these extraordinary questions. We also believe our representative oversight duty as the Pennsylvania’s legislative branch of government demands that we immediately work to establish a forum where these issues can be thoroughly reviewed in full view of the people of Pennsylvania, for the purpose of determining whether Tuesday’s election was conducted fairly and lawfully.

“We call for the immediate establishment of a bi-partisan investigatory committee with subpoena power to pursue this objective. The independence of this body is critical, given the shifting and last-minute guidance by the Department of State, as well as the extra-statutory rulemaking undertaken by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Public sentiment and the sheer volume of lawsuits filed both before and since the election warrant such investigatory action.

“This matter is our top priority and we are calling for all necessary resources to be immediately allocated to this critically important task. Our constituents are demanding concrete action and it is our firm conviction that we must take these steps to ensure public trust in our electoral system. Faith in government begins with faith in the elections which select that government.

“Just as Pennsylvania, as the Keystone State, led the founding of our Nation, Pennsylvania should also lead the way by making sure our Commonwealth continues to stand as a keystone in our nation where free and fair elections are of paramount concern, no matter the final outcome of those elections.”

Representative Russ Diamond
102nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Alison Haas, 717.772.9843